Raderberger Strasse 175
50968 Köln, Germany
Mobil: +49 (0) 221 953 13737
If you have a project in mind this is where you can get a general idea of the cost.
To get a free quote for an upcoming voice over project, simply fill in the form below, and if possible, attach your script. I will generally get back to you within 24 hours. The more information you provide the easier it will be for me to provide you with an accurate quote.
Tell me a little something about your project – what is it for?
About how long is your script? (How many minutes/pages etc.):
Got questions? I’ll do my best to provide you with the answers.
Help me by providing some additional Information. To figure out what it might cost the price list provided by VDS - Verband Deutsche Sprecher - might give you a rough idea. Mark is a long-standing member of the professional organization.
Here is a link: https://www.sprecherverband.de/service/vds-gagenliste-2020/
You can also pay for my services using leading crypto currencies.
Please use the contact form for your inquiry - Thank you!